Mark Cornwell Memorial Scholarship Fund

Mark Cornwell Memorial Scholarship Fund



  • About

Milling4Life (M4L) charity has engaged with the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) foundation, the Institute for Feed Education & Research (IFEEDER) to establish scholarships in perpetuity in the name of Mark Cornwell.

Milling and Grain magazine lost a friend and colleague last year with the passing of Mark Cornwell, its partner in the USA. Mark passed away in August 2017 at the age of 60. He had worked for 23 years with the magazine World Grain and more recently with Milling and Grain magazine, serving the grain handling and processing industries in both the food and the feed sectors continuously for almost 30 years.

M4L is raising funds to support students wishing to study either grain storage, handling and food processing and/or feed manufacturing in the USA. Scholarships will be in perpetuity if sufficient funds can be raised. The target is UK£55,000 (US$75,000) - please note that amounts entered will be in UK£s, so please check your exchange rates first.

M4L has engaged with the IFEEDER to annually award scholarships in the name of Mark Cornwell, as part of the broader IFEEDER scholarship program. The scholarships will support students wishing to study feed manufacturing via a variety of learning institution throughout the USA, and Kansas State University course offerings in grain sciences, grain handling and processing which is one of the prominent institutions for scholarship recipients.

Once established, student applicants can be local, national or international and will be evaluated against a predetermined scholarship specification with the view of awarding the most deserving students who are planning careers in the grain storage, handling and processing industries – including both flour and feed sectors.

M4L is seeking companies in our industry, both within the USA and worldwide, prepared to contribute and who will be recognized for their contribution each time applicants are called upon to take up the scholarships. Individual donations are also welcomed and will be acknowledged via the M4L website if they wish to be identified.

All contributions are to be made via the M4L (using the ‘white’ donate button above) or via IFEEDER (using and selecting the Mark Cornwell Memorial Scholarship Fund (MCMSF) for those wishing to make a contribution direct for student support in grain storage and handling in Mark’s name.

Thank you for making a donation today to the ‘Mark Cornwell Memorial Scholarship Fund’. Your contribution is most valuable in helping train feed and flour millers for the future.

With our sincere thanks
The Trustees - M4L

NOTE: All contributions made via the Milling4Life supporting the American Feed Industry Association’s ‘Mark Cornwell Memorial Scholarship Fund’ will be administered by AFIA on behalf of M4L for flour/food milling, feed milling and grain storage.